Piano Lock

Doors #2
Santa's Secret Room

piano ... lock protecting doors to The Vault

Alabaster Snowball

Rachmaninoff hint from Alabaster Snowball
Really, it's Mozart. And it should be in the key of D, not E.

How could I forget that I used Rachmaninoff as my musical password?

Opening Piano Lock presents piano, where keys can be pressed.

initial Piano Lock

A song ED#ED#EED#EF#G#F#G#ABA#BA#B was gathered in Recover Alabaster's Password challenge.

To enter notes with some visual clues, a simple JavaScript can be executed in Console of Chrome Developer Tools (F12).

var x = 0;
while (x < 13) {
	var i = document.querySelectorAll('img')[x]; 
	var h = document.createElement('h3'); 
	h.setAttribute('style', 'position:absolute; z-index:100; color: fuchsia; text-align:center; width:' + i.width + ';left:' + i.style.left);
	h.innerText = String(i.onmousedown).split('"')[1].replace('sh', '#').toUpperCase();
Now, this is much better.

Piano Lock with notes

Trying out the song E D# E D# E E D# E F# G# F# G# A B A# B A# B results in "Now that's a good tune! But the key isn't quite right...".

Piano Lock with wrong tune

Based on hint, the song must be transposed from key E to key D.
Email attachment, retrieved in Network Traffic Forensics challenge, explains all the information about transposing music.
Anyhow, for transposing, let's use Transposer public web-page, select "text file" and input:

E D# E D# E E D# E F# G# F# G# A B A# B A# B

Successful transposing from key E to key D:

D C# D C# D D C# D E F# E F# G A G# A G# A

Inputting correct sheet music to piano lock, unlocks Santa's Vault.

solved Piano Lock

Answer to this objective is D C# D C# D D C# D E F# E F# G A G# A G# A.