Help your brother Billy with his homework.
He has been complaining that it is too difficult.
Solve the homework to reveal the answer in flag.txt
Archive contains two files, encrypted flag.txt
and binary math.exe
root@env259.kali05:~# 7z l -ba
2022-09-08 10:55:51 ..... 96 101 flag.txt
2022-09-08 10:55:51 ..... 14472 2591 math.exe
Binary is a ELF (Linux) binary.
# file math.exe
math.exe: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=b6d0a4d839f0c04ae3bcbda532a2ed6699e66c5e, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, stripped
Running the binary doesn't lead to anything useful, therefore reverse engineering must be done.
Reversing the binary reveals that there is an AES key and IV, which is xored (fnc.00001209) with value AES
# r2 -A math.exe
[0x00001120]> pdf @ main
; DATA XREF from entry0 @ 0x1141
┌ 576: int main (int argc, char **argv, char **envp);
│ 0x0000129a c745ac414553. mov dword [var_54h], 0x534541 ; 'AES'
│ 0x000012a1 48b870701275. movabs rax, 0x3726a7c75127070
│ 0x000012ab 48ba17797210. movabs rdx, 0x4657c7710727917
│ 0x000012b5 488945b0 mov qword [var_50h], rax
│ 0x000012b9 488955b8 mov qword [var_48h], rdx
│ 0x000012bd 48b873107177. movabs rax, 0x6672051577711073
│ 0x000012c7 48ba71016779. movabs rdx, 0x102177d79670171
│ 0x000012d1 488945c0 mov qword [var_40h], rax
│ 0x000012d5 488955c8 mov qword [var_38h], rdx
│ 0x000012d9 48b869727460. movabs rax, 0x7260767360747269 ; 'irt`sv`r'
│ 0x000012e3 48ba71607476. movabs rdx, 0x6072726576746071 ; 'q`tverr`'
│ 0x000012ed 488945d0 mov qword [var_30h], rax
│ 0x000012f1 488955d8 mov qword [var_28h], rdx
│ 0x000012f5 48b879766a72. movabs rax, 0x76706075726a7679 ; 'yvjru`pv'
│ 0x000012ff 48ba61727660. movabs rdx, 0x7266767560767261 ; 'arv`uvfr'
│ 0x00001309 488945e0 mov qword [var_20h], rax
│ 0x0000130d 488955e8 mov qword [var_18h], rdx
│ 0x00001311 66c745f07300 mov word [var_10h], 0x73 ; 's'
│ │╎ 0x0000146b e899fdffff call fcn.00001209
Xor-ing values gives AES key as 15A4993FD87C696E6C02FD750D488DCD
and IV as 3132333435363738393031323334353
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from itertools import cycle
from operator import xor
key = bytes.fromhex('534541')[::-1]
msg = b''
for x in ['03726a7c75127070', '04657c7710727917', '6672051577711073','0102177d79670171','7260767360747269','6072726576746071','76706075726a7679','7266767560767261', '73']:
msg += bytes.fromhex(x)[::-1]
xored = bytes(map(xor, msg, cycle(key)))
# python3
Decrypt the flag.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import io
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
key = bytes.fromhex('15A4993FD87C696E6C02FD750D488DCD')
iv = bytes.fromhex('31323334353637383930313233343536')
with'flag.txt', 'rb') as fp:
ct =
cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
pt = cipher.decrypt(ct).strip()
# python3
The flag is ctftech{ec54a12e40b69f4e90a9e91217851c3534ee17e14415995d7202e6518cb1529b}
Flag is ctftech{ec54a12e40b69f4e90a9e91217851c3534ee17e14415995d7202e6518cb1529b}