An ransomware attack has taken place, encrypting millions of files on thousands of workstation in a large financial institution.
The defenders have managed to retrieve the script used to encrypt all of the files, however it appears it's AES encryption, which is considered unbreakable if correctly implemented.
Defenders also managed to discover a remote service which appears to be used for the attackers to allow file decryption, however we don't know how long this service will be available and in order to decrypt all of those millions of files a more feasible solution is required like retrieving the main decryption key
Retrieve the decryption key.
Encryption script:
Decryption service: nc 10.XX.32.133 12345
The flag consists of two parts that you need to combine! Total length 32chars.
Connecting to decryption service, provides an option to choose one of two keys and decrypt ciphertext to plaintext.
$ nc 10.XX.32.133 12345
You have 2 keys to choose from:
=> 1
1) Decrypt content
2) Choose a different key
3) Exit
Looking at the source code, decryption is done using AES with CBC block cipher mode. There are multiple issues with implemented cryptography, - IV is used as key and IV reuse. That breaks the security of AES CBC, e.g., CWE-329, CWE-1204.
while True:
print("1) Decrypt content")
print("2) Choose a different key")
print("3) Exit")
choice = str(raw_input("=> "))
encrypt_message(key, key)
if choice == "1":
decrypt_message(key, key)
elif choice == "2":
key = new_key()
def decrypt_message(key, IV):
print("Hex data for decryption")
ctxt = raw_input("=> ")
ctxt = ctxt.decode('hex')
if (len(ctxt) % 16) != 0:
print "Specify a proper length"
cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, IV)
ptxt = cipher.decrypt(ctxt)
print ptxt.encode('hex')
Looking back at CBC mode decryption:
Mathematical formula for CBC mode decryption:
Looking at first two plaintexts, the first plaintext P1
would be decrypt(C1) xor C0
or decrypt(C1) xor IV
Second plaintext P2
would be decrypt(C2) xor C1
Providing the same ciphertext for C1
and C2
as Cx
, decrypted plaintexts would be:
P1 = decrypt(Cx) xor IV
P2 = decrypt(Cx) xor Cx
If P1
and P2
is xor-ed, IV
can be retrieved. Because xor-ing equal values results in 0 and xor-ing anything with 0 is the same value.
P1 xor P2 = decrypt(Cx) xor IV xor decrypt(Cx) xor Cx
P1 xor P2 =
decrypt(Cx) xor IV xor decrypt(Cx) xor Cx
P1 xor P2 = IV xor Cx
This can be simplified if Cx
is chosen as 0
P1 xor P2 = IV
Therefore, by providing two blocks of (zero-ed) ciphertext, returned P1
and P1
xored with each other would be equal to IV
Retrieve P1
and P1
for first key.
$ nc 10.XX.32.133 12345
You have 2 keys to choose from:
=> 1
1) Decrypt content
2) Choose a different key
3) Exit
=> 1
Hex data for decryption
=> 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Calculate first key's IV
$ python3 -c 'print("".join([chr(a^b) for a,b in zip(bytes.fromhex("b1b2666f04fb0304dd176f06b6874bca"), bytes.fromhex("8183545c30ce6568bc705f3784b47fff"))]))'
Retrieve P1
and P1
for second key.
$ nc 10.XX.32.133 12345
You have 2 keys to choose from:
=> 2
1) Decrypt content
2) Choose a different key
3) Exit
=> 1
Hex data for decryption
=> 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Calculate second key's IV
$ python3 -c 'print("".join([chr(a^b) for a,b in zip(bytes.fromhex("51a0c3cc75e8c9a4609bfc5fdae120c1"), bytes.fromhex("6496f4f44cd8afc801fcc969edd919f1"))]))'
As the IV
is same as key, therefore first key is 012345flag012345
and second key is 567890flag567890
The flag is 012345flag012345567890flag567890.